
bore gwybodaeth // information morning

Bore agored diddorol ac addysgiadol gyda Croeso Teifi i ledaenu'r gair ac i annog pawb i gyfrannu wrth groesawu teulu o ffoaduriaid i Aberteifi. Diolch i'n gwesteiwyr yn Neuadd Hen Ysgol Santes Fair ac i bawb oedd yn bresennol.

Os ydych chi wedi colli’r bore ond eisiau cael gwybod mwy, eisiau gwirfoddoli, a / neu fod ar y rhestr bostio, cysylltwch รข ni: : info@croesoteifi.org

An interesting and informative open get together with Croeso Teifi to spread the word and encourage participation in welcoming a refugee family to Cardigan. Thank you to our hosts at St Mary's Old School Hall and all who attended.

If you missed the information morning but would like to know more - volunteer and/or be on the mailing list, please contact us: info@croesoteifi.org


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